Bobi Wine launches new Politcal party ,The NUP

Bobi Wine launches new Politcal party ,The NUP

People Power, Our Power Movement led by Hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentum also known as Bobi Wine has launched a new political party The National Unity Platform (NUP).

The party was registered in 2004 and today it has successfully changed leadership with Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu as the new president.

NUP has also launched the Umbrella as the symbol to use in the forthcoming general elections.

Launching a party symbol has ended to a total political concussion where many candidates have been in one position each claiming to be the official candidate.

MP Kyagulanyi who is now the president and the presidential candidate for NUP in the forthcoming general elections has asked all friendly forces of change to joing NUP to liberate Uganda.

People Power, Our Power Movement was built basically by Democratic Party (DP) leaders, few progressive thinkers from other parties and now, it has graduated as an independent political party.