Shocking Report: Bobi Wine planted close to 7 Million voters under NRM party register

Shocking Report: Bobi Wine planted close to 7 Million voters under NRM party register. Whisper Eye Reports

People Power, Our Power Movement led by pop music star Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu who turned a politician popularly known by his stage name Bobi Wine has registered about 7million voters in National Resistance Movement (NRM) party register country wide, a report suggests.

Intelligence has revealed that the 7million voters are going to vote out president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s darling legislators in the coming Party primaries.

Those on the list to be defeated in the NRM party primaries are those who supported the amendment of article 102 (b) in the constitution of Uganda that gave a new life for Y K Museveni to seek re-election come 2021.

Whisper Eye has been reliably informed that MPs to face it rough with People Power voters fully registered under NRM party structures are; Hon John Bosco Lubyayi in Mawokota South who voted Yes during the ‘Togikwatako’ campaign, People Power voters in NRM register are backing EALA MP Susan Nakawuki, to defeat Mr Lubyayi.

In Luwero, People Power voters in the NRM register are backing Education Entrepreneur Cissy Mulondo commonly known as Mama Luweero to defeat Eng Nakate Lillian.

In Gomba People Power voters in NRM register are backing Nakato Kyabangi against Museveni’s daughter Sylvia Nayebale the woman MP for Gomba district, among other areas.

In an interview with former Kampala Deputy Lord Mayor Sulaiman Kidandala who is the chairperson of the Mobilisation and Coordination committee under People Power declined to make a comment about the said 7 million People Power registered under NRM register to participate in the forthcoming party primaries.

However Mr Kidandala told Whisper Eye that People Power has supporters from all political parties in Uganda.

“People Power is a political platform with supporters from DP, NRM, FDC, UPC, among other political parties,’ says Mr Kidandala.

” We shall use all possible peaceful means to defeat Mr Museveni by 2021, and we are ready to fight his royal ambassadors as we can, he said.”

Speaking to NRM youthful mobiliser Eng Sewaava Mukasa, He laughed off the report that Bobi Wine panted such a huge number saying he has no capacity to that effect.

NRM party is in the final preparations of the Party elections and their primaries for all elective political posts before the general elections.

Yesterday President Museveni picked nomination forms for both posts: NRM National Chairman and NRM presidential candidate 2021.