Rubaga South MP aspirant Eugenia Nassolo’s Ambulance rescues Buddo SS student knocked by unknown car

Rubaga South MP aspirant Eugenia Nassolo helps Buddo Senior secondary school student knocked by unknown vehicle. Whisper Eye Reports

Rubaga South MP aspirant Eugenia Nassolo ambulance has saved a pedestrian who has been identified as Fahad King Walugembe knocked by unknown vehicle around Buddo Senior School.

Whisper Eye has been reliably informed that Buddo Senior secondary school student Fahad King Walugembe has been knocked by unknown vehicle and left unconscious.

Walugembe has been helped by a good Samaritan to unknown nearby clinic where Ms Eugenia Nassolo ambulance has picked him to Rubaga Hospital.

The medical personnel who has received Walugembe and provided first aid to him, has told Whisper Eye News that the Walugembe was brought unconscious but he had started responding to treatment.

He has lost two teeth, with a swollen face and bleeding arms.

Doctors are working to save a young man’s life.

Whisper Eye will keep you update on this story.