Tulina Amajje: NRM Primaries Race: Minister Anite boat sinks, Dr Ayume wins

‘Tulina Amajje’: NRM Primaries, Minister Anite defeated by Dr Ayume. Whisper Eye Reports

Residents of Koboko municipality are celebrating after their loyal son Dr Charles Ayume convincingly defeated the state minister of Finance and Privatisation hon Evelyn Anite Kajik.

Minister Anite who is also the area MP for Koboko municipality has lost in the National Resistance Movement (NRM) primaries today.

Preliminary final results from Koboko shows that Dr Charles Ayume won the race with 8089 votes and Hon Anite scored 7321 votes.

Residents say that minister Anite misbehaved during the amendment of Article 102 (2) giving president Museveni to rule Uganda for life.

She warned Ugandans that “tulina amajje” meaning we have soldiers accordingly the minister was trying to intimidate people not to oppose the constitutional amendments.

The act of involving the professional army: the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces into direct politics was a blander.

Hon Anite is a journalist and a politician.