Why Northern Uganda is a no go Zone if Kingpin “Norbert Mao” stands for President

Why Northern Uganda is a no go Zone if Mao Norbert stands for President. Whisper Eye Updates

The Democratic Party (DP) president Norbert Mao has finalised his preparations to contest for the president of Uganda for the second time in the forthcoming elections.

Mr Mao who severed as a legislator for Gulu municipality for two-five-year terms, and also one-five-year term as the Gulu district LC. V chairman is mobilising the DP structures across the country to contest with President Museveni.

In 2011 presidential elections Chairman Mao defeated president Museveni and Dr Besigye in the a Acholi land.

Despite of election rigging in the northern region, Mr Mao won four districts; Gulu, Nwoya, Pader, and Amoro with a good percentage.

When Gulu Kingpin declared to contest again, opposition leaders in Northern Uganda started mobilising the region for him.

It is clear that, with Mao’s interest the great northern region will be a no go zone for president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni come 2021 presidential elections.

Chairman Mao has told Whisper Eye that Museveni must prepare for the defeat in the north.

He argued other regions to vote out president Museveni from power.

Mao joins other opposition hopeful like Kyadondo East MP Hon Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, Dr Aggrey Kiyingi a doctor based in Australia , Mugisha Muntu, and close to 40 aspirants eyeing the highest political seat in Uganda.