Police confiscates over 1,000 masks made by MP Nambooze Betty to fight Covid-19 pandemic

Police confiscates over 1,000 masks made by MP Nambooze to fight Covid-19 pandemic . Whisper Eye Reports

Police in Mukono have confiscated over 1,000 masks made by Mukono municipality legislator Betty Nambooze Bakireke.

MP Nambooze launched a campaign, Life is Wealth ‘Obulamu Bwe bugagga’ in Mukono to add efforts to Uganda government in flight Covid-19 pandemic.

In her campaign the outspoken legislator started giving out free Sanitary water tanks, and free face masks as a basic way to fight the spread of Coronavirus in Uganda.

However, the police of Mukono have confiscated over 1,000 masks on arguments that the area MP had no authority to give out masks to residents.

Our source intimate to MP Nambooze, told us that the MP is now wondering why police is exposing citizens to risks of Covid-19 pandemic by confiscating face masks.

Mukono municipality MP who is also the vice president of the Democratic Party, said that he is helping the government after promising people free masks and failed to delivery what was promised.