Open letter to Members of Uganda Peoples Congress – Omino Tom

Congress men and women,

Today I write to you all with deep pain over the current happenings in our party.

On the 9th day of October 2019, I communicated to the Congress family my intention to contest for the office of party president.

The proposal was well received far and wide, I received encouraging massages from all the fifteen subregions of Uganda. All seemed well at the time.

I together with the members of UPC waited patiently for the Akena leadership to come up with a road map despite the fact that his term of office had expired on 30th/May/2020. This wait wasn’t intended to perpetuate an illegality however it was on the basis of giving faith to the politics of UPC and inturn a political solution to the current impasse within the party.

Withstanding the fact that the legal approach in the last five years has given little or no redress.

To my surprise together with the UPC members at large, the leadership of Akena issued an electoral road map putting the nomination fees for the office of party president at ug.shs.20,000,000/=.

And in justifying the said sum, Akena and his cabinet have continuously stated two reasons:-
i) That the money collected shall be used to convene the District Conference Nomination, and
ii) That the race isn’t for poor candidates, those who don’t have the money can opt for the lower level.

I totally find this type of reasoning upside-down, an attempt to defeat internal democracy, stifle competition and arched at destroying the constitutional order of UPC.

To all those who had and are still supporting my presidential bide, I have this to say; I surely picked the nomination forms however I didn’t return them for the reason stated above.

For those whose hopes I have shattered, I convey my heart felt apologies.

And to those who have been asking questions of, what next or where do we go from here. I have this to say.

Akena may have won the first battle in a series of battle yet to come, the war to liberate our party from the hands of Pro-NRM leaders has just begun.

And to that extent I hereby propose the following course of action as the immediate strategy to help us defeat the UPC Pro-NRM leadership:-
i) That the District Chairpersons boycott the District Conference Nomination scheduled for 16th-26th/July/2020,
ii) That a motion be moved at the Delegates Conference to re-admit the candidates locked out of the presidential race and Elections be convened on that basis, and/or
iii) A petition be moved at the Delegates Conference seeking for a vote of no-confidence in the person of Jimmy James Micheal Akena.

With the three proposed immediate strategies, I herewith invoke the good will of the members of UPC to join me in our struggle to liberate our party.

Long live the resistance against Nrm-mization of UPC,
Long live UPC,
For God and my country.