How MP Mpuuga smuggled Bobi Wine to Kabaka Mutebi to fix the controversial CBS radio talk show

How MP Mpuuga smuggled Bobi Wine to Kabaka Mutebi to fix the controversial CBS radio talk show. Whisper Eye Updates

Masaka municipality legislator hon Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba, together with People Power, Our Power Movement Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu met Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II in his Banda palace recently.

A reliable source told Whisper Eye news, that MP Kyagulanyi and Hon Mpuuga met Kabaka Mutebi and discussed a number of key issues.

Among the discussion, Kyadondo East legislator mentioned how he has spent three years without appearing on CBS radio.

The source further told us, that Kabaka Mutebi ordered a special talk show for his royal subject ‘Omubanda wa Kabaka’ Kyagulanyi also popularly known as Bobi Wine.

Before, Hon Kyagulanyi and MP Mpuuga left the Banda Palace, Saturday popular radio program on the Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) FM ‘Palamenti Yaffe’ was secured.

With in a space of three years, this is the second time Mr Wine to meet Kabaka Mutebi secretly.

Those who followed the program, the moderator (Haji Meddie Nsereko Ssebuliba) was timid and that is not the Nsereko known for asking tough questions.

Bobi Wine was too confident and speaking freely, and boldly because he had received green lights from Kabaka Mutebi to appear again on the program.

However the government spokesman Ofwono Opondo waters down Mr Wine’s presentation on CBS, saying that “Bob is a barking dog, which can not bite”.