Bobi Wine: Mammoth of people gather outside cbs as singer left Buganda owned radio

Bobi Wine: Mammoth of people gather outside cbs as singer left Buganda owned radio. Whisper Eye Updates

Crowds of people have gathered inside and outside of Massengere building at Bulange Mengo, Kampala which houses Buganda owned radio CBS FM.

Hundreds of People believed to be People Power, Our Power Movement supporters have gathered at Massengere to see Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu who has appeared on Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) FM radio today since 2017.

Bobi Wine supporters started singing his songs ‘Tuliyambale Engule’ and ‘Kyalenga’. Chanting “We want Bobi Wine, We love Bobi Wine”.

During the show, pop music star who turned politician also known by his stage name Bobi Wine has called upon Baganda to back his candidature saying other tribes are on board.
Mammoth of people gather outside cbs as singer left Buganda owned radio

“I call upon the Baganda to support me, people from other tribes ask me why is it that your fellow Baganda are fighting you?, why is it that your fellow Baganda undermine your capacity? , “we decided to support but organise Buganda region”, they always tell me, Mr Wine says, on CBS radio.”

Ugandans have mixed feelings on the political talk show program ‘Palamenti Yaffe’ moderated by Meddie Nsereko Ssebuliba.