Rubaga North People Power Coordinator Mubiru James released on court bail

Rubaga North People Power Coordinator Mubiru James released on court bail. Whisper Eye Reports.

People Power, Our Power Movement coordinator in Rubaga North Constituency, Kampala has been released on Court bail.

Mr Mubiru was arrested a couple of days ago for violating presidential directives on Covid-19 pandemic preventive measures.

It is alleged that Mr Mubiru was found giving out food to residents of Rubaga North, and participating in the Opposition ‘No, Nedda’ campaign through banging objects, metals, jerrycans, pans among others.

“I was bailed out from court yesterday, thanks to my lawyers Geoffrey Turamusirya, Wameli Anthony and Counsel Hamz who filed unconditional release and I was presented before LDC court were I was given a court bail; says Mr Mubiru.

“The regime had planned to remand me to Kitalya Maximum prison.

They kept on dodging my lawyers until when unconditional release was served to them and no option was left but only to present me before court, he explained.”

Political activist and lawyer Mubiru was charged of disrespecting lawful orders and granted Court bail.

Over 160 cases of People Power, Our Power Movement leaders and members in courts and files still at police stations across the country.