Shocking: Two fearless men grab president Museveni land, arrested

Shocking:Two fearless men grab president Museveni land, arrested Whisper Eye Updates

State House Anti- Corruption Unit has arrested two men on allegations of grabbing land owned by president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

In a press statement issued by the head of State House Anti-Corruption Unit Lt Col Edit Nakalema states that a piece of land privately owned by president Museveni at Katwekambwa Village in Kabulasoke Sub County in Gomba was grabbed by fearless men.

Those arrested are Mr Ssegane Peter and Mr Suuna Jimmy .

“Ssegane Peter and Suuna Jimmy had fraudulently acquired five (5) land titles on land already registered on the name of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,” the statement reads.

“We identified a number of lapses in the processing of the titles at the levels of the Area Land Committee, District Land Board and the Ministry of Lands,” the statement reads further.

Lt Col Nakalema said that the file has been forwarded to the DPP, and investigations are going on to its final conclusion.

There is a lot of mismanaged land issues in the district.

Recently three people were killed at Nkwale village in Kanoni Town Council, when political leaders in Kanoni town council and Kyegonza town council mobilised residents to attack employees of the land owner.

In Kyegonza, LC chairman Mr Sseguya Godfrey on various occasions connive with fake land lords against real land lords.

Mr Sseguya is in a real battle with the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), and it is alleged that he mobilise Bibanja holders to fight lawful Land lords, and the RDC.

Whisper Eye is reliably informed that many lawful land lords are suffering from the same.