Sad Story! Butcher Man condition deteriorates after police brutal arrest

Butcher man condition deteriorates after police brutal arrest . Whisper Eye Updates

Uganda’s Music star Bugembe Mark popularly known as Butcherman, his life deteriorates as the singer has been in and out of Nakasero Hospital since he was assaulted by Uganda Police officers now about two weeks ago.

Singer Buchaman was beaten by the police about two weeks ago, during law enforcement campaign.

Police said that he was blocking them from implementing lawful orders.

According to Buchaman’s family close to him the situation of his husband is worsening day after day.

The family source told Whisper Eye that one of his legs which has a metal plate was greatly affected and there is a need to see an Orthopedic doctor to fix the alignment.

“Since Butcher man was beaten is between home and Nakasero Hospital, he complains about the leg pain everyday,’ says our source .

“All other wounds are fine but he has history of surgery on the leg, he needs a special treatment and find out what went wrong, states the close family source who discouraged us to reveal his identity

Butcherman family is worried about the health of their bread winner at this time of Covid-19 .

Self claimed Ghetto president Butcherman rose to fame in 2005 after passionately asking ladies, ‘Lwaki Bakyala Temunjagala’ (Why don’t you like me?).

He was appointed Presidential advisor on Ghetto issues by president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni