Breaking! Bobi Wine’s aide Mubiru James , the aspiring MP Lubaga North arrested

Breaking! Bobi Wine aide Mubiru James the aspiring MP Lubaga North arrested. Whisper Eye Reports.

People Power, Our Power Movement coordinator for Rubaga North Mubiru James has been arrested by the police. His Lawyer confirmed.

It is alleged that Mr Mubiru was giving out food and some other items to the people of Rubaga North who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni issued a presidential order towards Covid-19 preventive measures including lock down, banning of Boda boda riders from carrying passengers, 7:00pm curfew among others.

These measures have left Ugandans very poor, helpless a sizeable number of Ugandans sleep on empty stomachs.

Our source has told us that Mr Mubiru has been taken to Old Kampala Police station.

Mubiru who is also a lawyer is among those consulting voters in Rubaga North constituency.

Senior counsel Anthony Wameli confirmed the arrest of his client and he will issue a statement later on.