Dr Aggery Kiyingi confidant positioned to win Malawi re-election

Dr Aggery Kiyingi confidant positioned to win Malawi re-election . Whisper Eye Reports.

Malawi citizens today are deciding the fate of their country by voting the next president after Court nullified the May, 2019 presidential elections.

Dr Aggrey Kiyingi friend Dr Souls Klaus Chilima petitioned the Constitutional Court citing massive irregularities during the process.

Dr Chilima leader of the opposition United Movement Party, and Lazarus Chakwera , leader of the Malawi Congress Party formed the TONSE alliance in the presidential reelected.

TONSE alliance was aligned against embattled incumbent Malawi president Fred Muthalika, the brother to former Malawi president: Author Bingu wa Muthalika.

TONSE alliance agreed to front Dr Lazaras Chakwera as the presidential candidate and Dr Kiyingi friend Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima his running mate in today’s ballot.

Dr Kiyingi has sent a success message to Dr Chilima, and according to our intelligence, TONSE opposition forces are likely to win the ballot.

Malawi constitutional court in May, 2020 nullified the election President Peter Mutharika won last May, citing massive irregularities during the process.

Dr Aggrey Kiyingi

The verdict resulted from a court challenge filed by Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima, leader of the opposition United Transformation Movement Party, and Lazarus Chakwera, leader of the Malawi Congress Party.

The court called for fresh elections within 150 days and also reinstated former Vice President Saulos Chilima.

Judge Healey Potani’s announcement of the verdict spurred instant celebrations from opposition supporters who attended the court session.

Chanting Dr Chilima the.lead petitioner and Dr Chakwera.