Defiant Abbey Mukibi asked to resign from CBS radio over Yusuf Baliruno outcry

Defiant Abbey Mukibi asked to resign from CBS radio over Yusuf Baliruno outcry. Whisper Eye Reports

Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) top fans asks radio Programs Director Abby Mukiibi Nkaaga to resign from Buganda owned radio over Mr Yusuf Baliruno outcry.

CBS listeners have been reliably informed that Mr Abby Mukiibi shares the responsibility of Mr Baliruno’s suffering.

Reliable sources say that many former CBS presenters left their jobs prematurely due to Mr Abby Mukiibi.

Whisper Eye interviewed a number of CBS radio listeners who have asked defiant Abby Mukiibi to resign immediately.

“That man in programming is the biggest problem at Cbs no body else.Whoever leaves that radio it’s due to him,’ says CBS radio fan.
Yusuf Baliruno outcry part four

“It is like Mr Mukiibi owns that CBS radio, every person working there is crying of that man,’ another CBS fan states.

At least about 90% of workers leaving CBS have disagreements with Mr Abby Mukiibi.

What shocked us more, is the fact that Mr Abby Mukiibi is at log heads with his co-presenter of ‘Akaliisoliiso’ program hon Kato Lubwama.

“That Abby Mukiibi is a problem to that channel, he thinks his next to Kabaka and does what he thinks. Let him go and hang,’ says an angry CBS fan.

A worker at CBS radio told us that when a presenter has been recommended to be awarded a retainer, which is approved by Mr Abbey Mukiibi, he asks for a recorded program.

The problem here is not asking for the recorded program, No!

It is said that it can take six months for Mr Abby Mukiibi listen to the recorded program.

After six months, then it may take another six months for him to approve it, that is when he has been mercy on you, according to a reporter at CBS.

Fans have accused Mr Mukiibi for misrepresenting the Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga, and Buganda Kingdom.

Efforts were made to reach Mr Abby Mukiibi, but our calls were not answered despite dialing a number of times.

Abby Mukiibi Nkaaga is a graduate of the Music, Dance and Drama School of Makerere University.

He is an accomplished actor and director and also the Artistic Director of Afri-talent a professional drama company.

Abby has been directing and acting for theatre since 1994.

He has acted and directed over 30 plays acted by his acting company “The Afri-Talent”.

He won the Best Actor Uganda National Theater Award in 1994 for his role as King Freddie in a play “Saagala Agalamidde” at the Uganda National Theatre.

He featured in a missionary video “Fires of Hope” and has appeared in a popular TV soap entitled “Ensitaano- the Scuffle” a Television soap that was very popular on the Uganda TV airwaves for 4 years showing on WBS TV.

He has also won Best production accolades in various play productions namely; “Omuyaga Mu Makoola”,”Ekitangaala mu Nzikiza”
He is the Artistic director of Bat-Valley Theater which is the home of Afri-talent.

He is the Program Director of CBS FM.