
Why I fear Bobi Wine with all my heart and soul – Eng Tom Isingoma Mwesiga

~I don’t fear Bobi Wine but the power behind him!!!

~If you are moving and you meet a 12 year old boy who threatens you to forcefully greet him or else he will fight you,… understand that there are many powerful gangs behind him hiding in the bush, and you are the target.

  1. I fear the power which made USA senators give him audience, gave him an international devilish lawyer, international forums, and gangs across some Afrikan states like South Afrika, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ghana, when he has not spent 2 years in politics and has done nothing physical in Kyadondo or ghetto he has been for years. I fear such a character to be the one in charge of our nation which has recently been in peace for the 1st time in 500 years.
  2. I fear the man who doesn’t bother on what will happen to his own children once he surrenders our sovereignty to the hands of syphoning hungry beasts. Such a man is politically empty headed and deserves to be critically observed without hesitation.
  3. I fear such people like Bobi wine who spend sleepless nights on how to destroy what has been constructed. On how to pull down the pillars of his own house and see it fall beyond repair. Such people socially maybe termed as mad but in real sense they may be psychologically diverted to do that because of their inability to see far.
  4. I feel the pain at heart for I see the beauty of Uganda’s political and economical climate is at the likelihood of being destroyed despite the little time we have just stabilized from the staggering we have been in a few decades from independence. This is because the majority who should be taking the future of Uganda to another strong stride are the youths who are mentally weak to overcome the strong divergent forces sponsored by the enemies of Uganda through famous puppets like Bobi Wine. It’s a pity for Uganda.
  5. Why I fear Bobi Wine, it’s not that he is so strong or mentally capable of destroying NRM, or the government of Uganda, or the good foundation of Museveni and his fellow comrades. No! I fear that the man is so mentally weak to the extent that he does not know that his so called allies are the greatest enemies he has ever seen. The Ugandan born gheto niga is so myopic that he can’t politically reason to see beyond his nose. So blind to the extent that he can be told to use such childish political games thinking he is the Ghandi or Mandela. So young and politically vulnerable that he can pose with Mandela book on a funeral as he cuts his hair like him in his early ANC struggles against apartheid. These styles like the 1950s Martin Luther King Jr style of holding each other on a street demonstration, or the Che’s red ballet, etc are all imitations as he is lied that he is actually a hero. Not knowing that such heros he is claiming to imitate sweated for reality and were never traitors at all.
  6. I surely fear Bobi Wine and his group of so called people power. I sit and imagine if such a joke of presidential ambitions came into reality like the Kyadondo MP seat ended up being occupied by such a character. How would our mighty defence forces be under the command of a drug addict? How would the Uganda’s state house be filled by such traitors? Imagine the cabinet of such political blind people hungry for leadership they can’t handle? I guess what is portrayed in the movie Xala would become real, where we would have leadership on remote control of white imperialists. I fear such a group.
  7. My soul is becoming weak and weaker whenever I hear and see what the so called international organizations lead by imperialism agents uplifting Bobi Wine and the group to the sky. I start sweating deep inside my blood vessels because I see what exactly happened to Libya when the same puppets were given power by the imperialism agents after killing Gaddafi and now the country is destroyed like they did to Iraq. I fear such evil men.

What’s my source of hope?

  1. The source of hope is that Uganda is a God protected nation, strategically located politically due its beautiful history. For those who know history and development of the nations, will see that God blessed Uganda because of her foreign policy and relationships. Such can’t make Uganda be destroyed like many countries that are being completely shut down.
  2. Uganda has been blessed with patriotic people. No one believed that Uganda would be stable, until a group of less than 50 people stood firm to defend this country under the leadership of Museveni. This didn’t stop then, actually today’s Uganda is having many patriots than never before. We can’t allow such nuisance in our country by all means whatsoever.
  3. That’s why am hopeful that through the current leadership and patriotic Ugandans, we shall not vote political kids to take over the leadership of the government of Uganda despite the external support they have.

For God and my Country.

This is a concerned Ugandan,
Eng. Tom Isingoma Mwesiga, +256-703 072203 Whatsap,

Whisper Eye News

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