CBS bows to pressure , admits suffering Yusuf Baliruno was their employee

CBS bows to pressure , admits suffering Yusuf Baliruno was their employee . Whisper Eye Updates !

The management of Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) has bowed to pressure and accepted that Mr Yusuf Baliruno ‘Of Uganda’ was their employee at CBS.

Mr Baliruno decided to cry to the public for help after he was disowned by his former bosses at CBS FM radio station.

Local sports presenter at CBS FM radio, Mr Baliruno told the public that he was not paid by the CBS management and he is looking for help to find justice.

However in a statement issued by the management of CBS claims that they paid Mr Baliruno.

According to the document dated 16th June, 2020 titled Press Release, CBS Management claims to have paid the local sports journalist.
Yusuf Balirun story part two

“The management of Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) has with great concern taken note of the repetitive and defamatory information about the company circulating on the different social media platform primarily propounded by our former reporter Mr Yusuf Baliruno.

Due to baseless nature of these allegations, CBS management has been compelled to set the record straight as herein,’ reads the document.

“Mr Baliruno enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with CBS FM offering his services as a freelance sports reporter.

His duties included covering seasonal and selected sporting activities such as the Buganda Masaza Cup, Bika football Tournament and Uganda Cranes football matches,’ reads further.

According to the document there was a mutual understanding between Mr Baliruno and CBS FM radio.

‘Mr Baliruno negotiated his terms of engagement which were mutually agreed upon,’ reads the document.

“He was always duly paid per task completed and upon submission is a formal claim with proof of execution of work.

All Mr Baliruno’s due compensation has all long been fully paid and on time.

Owing to the appreciation CBS had for Mr Baliruno’s service the company often times extended ex-gratia financial support to him whenever he faced social, health and financial hardships.

CBS re-iterates that throughout his tenure with CBS Mr Baliruno was fully compensated as per agreed terms and CBS FM does not owe him any unpaid compensation, reads further.”

The management of CBS has decided to take on the legal path to solve Mr Baliruno’s issue.