By Mwaka Lutukumoi

Reading comrade, Dr Komakech Morish aka P’ Lorenga, a Uganda intellectual based in Canada in his analysis of women as productive leaders as opposed to men who failed to unite in opposition to get a candidate and those in government who captured Uganda and making Ugandans have a raw deal inspired me to state this.

With a disappointed Ugandans on both ruling elites and men in opposition, from independence, the population of women have been up while men messed up things.

From the village to parliament, women like, late Ndiro, Hon Eng Dr Winnie Byanyima, Hon Winnie Kizza, Hon Betty AOL Ocan, Hon Salam Musumba among others proved the world wrong. Intelligent, able, bold, determined, committed and efficient! They are cherished world wide.

I can close my eye and pick any and can be better than most of the men we cherish, they are passionate.

If a woman carries us men in pain before labor for 9 months patiently, what if entrusted with such patience, humility and shrewdness to lead Uganda?.

Since men have failed us, it’s not about a President, it’s about change and building institutions that work. President Museveni destroyed all with patronage cocktailed by systemic corruption. And autocratic democracy.

Mwaka Lutukumoi