Bobi Wine says Gen Kasirye Gwanga arrest, detention & eventual death is shrouded in mystery

Bobi Wine: Gen Kasirye Gwanga arrest, detention and eventual death is shrouded in mystery. Whisper Eye Reports

People Power Movement principal also Kyadondo East MP Hon Kayagulanyj Robert Ssentamu blames recent arrest and detention of major Gen Kasirye Gwanga as the cause of his death.

Recently Gen Kasirye Gwanga was arrested for preventing Local Defense Unit (LDU) officers from torturing residents in the disguise of implementing presidential directives to prevent Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

He was hoodwinked by military officers to Mbuya Military Barracks where he was denied exit.

‘Like many prominent people in this country, Gen. Kasirye’s arrest, detention and eventual death is shrouded in mystery,’ says MP Kyagulanyi.

Pop music star who turned into politician, popularly know by his stage name Bobi Wine has told Whisper Eye, that General Kasirye Gwanga was his personal friend.

May his Soul RIP

‘The news of the death Gen. Kasirye Ggwanga is shocking. I had the opportunity of being his personal friend over a long time,’ says MP Kyagulanyi.

“We agreed and disagreed on many things, but everytime I met him, there was a lot to learn, he said”

Mr Wine has tasked the government authorities responsible to immediately bring out a comprehensive report about the general’s death.

‘Like many Ugandans, I am hoping that those in authority will provide satisfactory answers,’ says Mr Wine.’