Dr Stella Nyanzi an activist advises Dr Besigye to serve in Bobi Wine govt as Primer minisiter

Human right activist Dr Stella Nyanzi advises Dr Besigye to serve in Bobi Wine govt as Primer minisiter. Whisper Eye Reports.

Kampala based human rights activist Dr Stella Nyanzi calls for unity in Uganda’s opposition to defeat president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in the forthcoming presidential elections.

Dr Nyanzi proposed a joint cabinet where Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu also known as Bobi Wine is the president.

Former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president Rtd Col Dr Kiiza Besigye Kifeefe could be a prime minister, Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) founder Gen Gregory Mugisha Muntu be the vice president according to Dr Nyanzi.

‘What if Bobi Wine was President and Kizza Besigye his Prime Minister? Is this as improbable as many think? What would we lose as the opposition in Uganda?, asks Dr Nyanzi’

“I know that each of these two opposition leaders already has a cabinet of power brokers working in their respective People Power and People’s Government.

Some of these power brokers vehemently oppose a merger because they fear that they may lose both position, power and proximity to the apex of governance in Uganda, she said.”

Dr Nyanzi asked opposition leaders to form a government and focus on the greater good of first redeeming Uganda from Mr Museveni.

‘The boundless youthful energies of Bobi would be infused by the wisdom and mature experience of Dr Besigye. All of us in the opposition would win….., she adds.’

“And to this bombastic leadership at the helm, I would add Mugisha Muntu as Vice President, Norbert Mao as Speaker of Parliament, Peter Walubiri as Chair of Constitutional Review Council, Miria Matembe as Cabinet Governor, and Mr Mugerwa Timothy as the Environment minister to deal with Climate Change.” Dr Nyanzi explained.

There is a need to radicalise and unite the opposition for revolution against president Museveni, argues Dr Nyanzi.

Uganda is just eight months to the general elections expected in February, 2021.