Big Story: Tobacco business man who trades at Buyiga island, Mpigi tests positive for Covid-19 whole island quarantined

Tobacco Business man who trades at buyiga island, Mpigi tests positive , whole island quarantined. Whisper Eye Reports.

A tobacco trade from Buyiga Island on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kammengo Sub County tests positive to Covid-19 breaking Mpigi district virginity to the deadly pandemic.

The first ever confirmed case of Covid-19 is a male adult aged 36years according to the resident district commissioner who is also the head of the district Covid-19 task force, Rosemary Byabasaija.

The confirmation of the case in Buyiga islands has forced the authorities in Mpigi to place the whole island under quarantine immediately.

Currently security has been deployed to prevent anybody from entering or vacating the Covid-19 risk island of Buyiga.

The Island is located in Kammengo sub-county in Mpigi, with over 4,000 residents.

However it is adjacent to Bunjakko Island in Buwama Sub County which increases risks to the heavily populated Bunjakko Islands.

Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Byabasaija Rosemary said that after the man developed some illness, he used a boat from the island to mainland in Kammengo, moving around the trading centre, where he took a bodaboda to Gombe Hospital in Butambala district.

The health workers at the hospital took his samples, advised him to take some drugs and told him to go back home.

When the results came out on May 30, 2020, he was confirmed positive and the health ministry immediately dispatched a team, which worked with the district task force to delineate the person from Buyiga Island and the immediate contacts.

The response team together with the district task force ostracized the most immediate contacts to the isolation centre.

“We are soon carrying out amass testing of the immediate contacts and also all residents on the Island as a way of curbing further spread of the deadly Corona Virus, RDC Byabasaija said.”

It has been confirmed that all health workers who attended to the victim at Gombe Hospital and a pharmacy in Buwama where he bought medicine are going to be isolated and samples taken from them to ascertain their Covid-19 status.

Now residents in Mpigi and Butambala district are in panic and already movement of people has reduced tremendously due to fear to contract the Virus.