Exclusive : MP Muwanga Kivumbi campaign manager declares to unseat him come 2021 elections

Exclusive : MP Muwanga Kivumbi campaign manager declares to unseat him come 2021 elections. Whisper Eye Reports.

Whisper Eye has learnt People Power South Africa based coordinator Munkabira Daudah Nsonzi vows to unseat his former boss and Butambala MP Muhammad Muwanga Kivumbi come 2021.W

Youthful Daudah was very instrumental to MP Kivumbi’s successful story to Parliament in 2010-2012.

He was his campaign director and worked hard to see Mr Muwanga Kivumbi make it to the ninth Parliament.

Our intelligence source indicates that Mr Nsonzi has declared that he is coming for the seat in 2021.

Mr Nsonzi told his campaign agents who have started their work in Butambala that they agreed with MP Muwanga Kivumbi that he will serve for two terms.

In a secret meeting held together with religious leaders in Butambala on Tuesday 3rd June, 2020, assured the team;

‘I had interest to stand for the seat since 2011, as a royal member of Democratic Party (DP), u gave my elder brother Hon Muwanga a chance, says Mr Nsonzi to his campaign agents

“He told me to serve for two terms, it will be enigmatic for him to ask for a third term, he explained to his team.’

Vocal MP Muwanga Kivumbi has been silent ever since Kyadondo East MP, also People Power principal hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu replaced him with Mr David Lewis Lubongoya to lead People Power Movement negotiations with other opposition forces of change which was MP Muwanga Kivumbi’s responsibility.

Mr Nsonzi Daudah has been an engine for People Power South Africa chapter.

He is a born of Butambala at Kitimba Village in Kalamba Sub County.