Big Story: URA Boss ejects security chief Lt Col Matsiko, trusted UPDF officers deployed

The newly installed nonsense Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General John Musinguzi Rujoki has sacked UPDF personnel who were attached to the tax collection body. Whisper Eye has learnt.

According to ChimpReports Musinguzi started with URA’s Security manager, Lt Col Ezekiel Matsiko for reportedly facilitating tax evasion and other malpractices.

Officials revealed that Matsiko’s vast accumulation of wealth shocked President Museveni.

Matsiko is said to have been paying Shs 30m per month to a high ranking security officer to protect his job.

At one time, according to allegations raised before URA’s board members, Matsiko bought 14 new Premio brand cars which he distributed to his relatives in western Uganda.

By the time he was kicked out, Matsiko was being investigated for reportedly protecting a clique of top officials involved in acts of corruption.

Matsiko, who headed enforcement and anti-smuggling operations for over a decade, was recently issued a Return to Unit (RTU) order as part of efforts to clean up the mess at URA.

Contacted on Tuesday morning, Defence spokesperson confirmed that Matsiko and other UPDF personnel had been “deseconded”.

Brig Karemire said Matsiko had been replaced by Col Sam Kirya, an officer with considerable military experience in intelligence and operations.

“UPDF has entered a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with URA on attachment of personnel,” said Brig Karemire.

“Consequently all those officers and men that had served with URA for a time varying between 3 to 14 years were deseconded,” he added.

“A new team headed by Col Sam Kirya has since been attached to support URA’s enforcement tasks.”

Last week, the Board of URA forced senior officials, Henry Saka, Dicksons Kateshumbwa and Siraji Kanyesigye to resign over alleged corruption.

While the officials said they quit on their own, insiders say they were given the option of resigning instead of facing prosecution on several offences uncovered by internal auditors.

Additional reporting by chimp