UPDF shoots dead four South Sudan soldiers looting Ugandans in Yumbe

Uganda people’s defence forces (UPDF) has terminated four South Sudan soldiers of SPLA . Whisper Eye Reports.

This happened yesterday on Sunday 31st May 2020 as residents came under a raid of undisciplined South Sudan soldiers who illegally crossed to Uganda.

An eye witness has told Whisper Eye that SPLA soldiers were looting Ugandans of their belongings including money .

The armed men despite plea from the locals to stop there behaviours it fell on deaf eyes as UPDF was informed immediately.

According to Fadhil Lemeriga, UPDF came to the rescue of Ugandans and SPLA soldiers opened fire and in retaliation 3 South Sudan Soldiers were killed on spot as the other died on the way to hospital.

According to UPDF Spokesman Brig Richard Karemire , the soldiers were dressed in civilian clothing apart from one who had uniform “but were all armed .

Three bodies were handed over to the South Sudan authorities led by Col Kamilo John Kamilo, Col Gochi Deng Yak at the Afoji border in Moyo district.

UPDF was represented by Lt Col Sebugenye and Maj Kennedy (OIC).

Karemire says 5 guns we’re recovered are currently with the UPDF commander in Yumbe.