President Museveni sends notorious Jinja RDC Mr Eric Sakwa on leave for two months

The embattled RDC for Jinja district Eric Sakwa has been sent on forced leave by president Museveni early this morning. Whisper Eye Reports.

In a letter on Whisper Eye desk , President Museveni orders Sakwa to go on leave for two months and work with the director of public prosecution and the court systems to get the facts and conclude his case.

Eric Sakwa was accused of killing a man in Jinja in the enforcement of the president directive early last month.

He was arrested and charged of manslaughter and obtained bail afterwards.

The office of the resident secretary in a letter indicted the controversial RDC from office until his case was settled.

Yesterday in a court ruling Sakwa obtained an interim injunction to that effect and instead bounced back.

However the president notes that the allegations against Sakwa are serious and if the accusers aganist Sakwa are lying it will be boomerang against them.

Whisper Eye to get a comment from Sakwa was futile .