Covid-19: President Museveni extends Uganda’s nationwide curfew, partial lockdown for 21 days

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has ordered a 21-day extension of the country’s nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew as the number of new daily COVID-19 infections hit a record rise, with 21 new cases registered.

This now brings Uganda’s COVID-19 infections to 248 and no death reported with 63 recoveries.

In a briefing on Monday evening the president also extended a ban on travel into and out of Uganda . He maintained the curfew for more 21 days.

He said that International borders of Uganda and the airport will remain closed so that we do not import additional cases from outside.

On the opening of public transport, buses, mini-buses and taxis, Museveni noted provided they carry half their capacity they will open after 14 days however not to be allowed in the border districts of Uganda.

For Students, Candidate classes to be allowed at school in two weeks. No first term exams. Schools should prepare for end of year exams. President Museveni said as he urged the ministry of education to use two weeks to prepare.

“ The whole bible verse from 2000 years ago to say tonsemberera. Social distance people. President Museveni said as he urged Ugandans to remain vigilant against the disease.

There must be compulsory wearing of face masks in public. Government will provide free masks to all Ugandans aged 6 and above. They’ll be distributed through LC system.

In addition to compulsory wearing of face masks while in public, Museveni urged Ugandans to maintain social distancing, boost their immunity by eating fruits such as oranges, bananas and stand at a distance

Museveni added that , scientists have found that even if you do not cough or sneeze, but merely breathing, or talking like I am talking now, if people are near you, you can infect them. That is why the masks come in very useful.

On Ugandans stuck abroad, Museveni says the issue should be approached with the seriousness of the NRM and not the cheap popularity of some actors.

To stop these diseases, the way forward is simple; stop by vaccination or treatment or you avoid; we’re working on the vaccine and so are other people in the world, president Museveni said.

He noted coronavirus feels lonely and does well when it has company like diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, HIV, etc. When sick people come, our people start with the core morbidities.