Despite covid-19, NRM Mps who supported president Museveni agelimit bill shock nation, pocket 40M

How NRM Mps who supported president Museveni age limit bill shock nation by pocketing 40 million

Members of Parliament (MPs) on NRM flag have been awarded Ug shs 40m cash bonanza for uplifting Age limit in the constitution of Uganda and taking back the controversial 20M.

National Resistance Movement (NRM) MPs who voted ‘yes’s which was in favour of amending the constitution and gave president Museveni to rule Uganda have been awarded 40M cash according to reports.

Reliable source has told Whisper Eye that the battle between president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Speaker Rebecca Kadaga has taken a new twist.

Mr Museveni has aligned his royal MPs to take back 20M in an attempt to weaken the Speaker with a reward of more 20M.

Distribution of the money started on Thursday 14th May, 2020.

Each MP is getting at least Ug Shs 40 million – a package that caters for the balance (Shs 20 million) that remained of Museveni’s thank you package for the 2017 Constitutional amendment that deleted the age limit clauses


The party chief whip Hon Ruth Nankabirwa was in charge of distributing this money as a token of appreciation to the MPS during the COVID-19 pandemic .

Many MPs that are royal to President Museveni have flocked in offices of Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) taking back the 20M in an attempt to get the 40M.

MPs who have already received Ug shs 40 million include; Hon Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi MP for Bukoto county Central in Masaka.

Magyezi Raphael MP for Igala County West, Bushenyi.

Kafeero Ssekitoleeko Robert MP Nakifuma County, Kibuule Ronald MP Mukono County North, in Mukono.

Hajj Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo MP Kyotera County, Kalemba Christopher MP Kakuuto County, Kyotera district.

Some independent MPs and opposition members of parliament who supported the amendment of the Age limit bill have been awarded too.

Hon Beatrice Anywa MP Kitugumu Municipality among others.

However according to NRM party chief whip Ruth Nankabirwa its not true that they have distributed this money to any of the members of parliament.