MP Lubyayi takes back 20 M to the Mpigi district Covid-19 task force

MP Lubyayi takes back 20M to the district Covid-19 task force . Whisper Eye Reports.

Mawokota South MP Hon John Bosco Lubyayi has taken back the controversial Ugshs 20M to Mpigi District Covid-19 Task Force.

Hon Lubyayi handed in 20M cash to Mpigi District Resident Commissioner (RDC) madam Byabasaija Rosemary at the district headquarters yesterday .

He told Whisper Eye that he returned the 20M to the District Covid-19 task force to buy food and necessities to needy People in Mpigi district.

Minister Ameria Kyambadde, and hon Lubyayi have all returned the 20M.

Mpigi residents are now waiting Woman MP Sarah Nakawunde to return the 20M.