Gen Henry Tumukunde who is facing treason , granted Bail

Uganda’s former Security Minister and a spy master , Lt Gen (rtd) Henry Tumukunde has secured bail early this morning. Whisper Eye Reports.

Gen Henry Tumukunde who has been on remand since March this year has finally been granted temporary freedom.

Justice Kwesiga of the High Court looked through Tumukunde bail application and finally set the military general free.

His Lordship Justice Kwesiga reviewed court’s earlier decision and approved his wife, Stella Tumukunde, his brother Hannington Karuhanga and family friend Matthew Rukikaire as substantial sureties for the accussed.
When General Tumukunde appeared leaping for court bail

Tumukunde is set to contest for the presidency of Uganda , prior to his arrest Tumukunde had already notified Uganda electoral commission of his desire to stand for Uganda’s top seat.

He was order to sign a Shs50 million non-cash bail and deposit his passport in court while his sureties were each asked to execute a non-cash bond of Shs50 million.