MP Nakawunde donates tonnes of food stuff to Mpigi covid-19 task force

MP Nakawunde donates tonnes of food stuff to Mpigi covid-19 task force. Whisper Eye Reports.

Mpigi district woman MP hon Sarah Nakawunde has donated four tonnes and soap to the district Covid-19 task force.

MP Nakawunde handed the items to the task force at Mpigi district headquarters.

‘Time is to unite and help each other to fight Corona Virus from spreading,’ says MP Nakawunde.

Some of the food stuffs donated by the MP

“It is a personal contribution to my district. I request kindly the task force to supply it to the most needy people regardless of thier political views. ” she added.

Mpigi District Resident Commissioner (RDC) Byabasaija Rosemary who received the items appreciated hon Nakawunde.