Hon Norbert Mao donates his favourable car to Gulu Covid-19 Task force

Norbert Mao donates his favourable car to Gulu Covid-19 Task force. Whisper Eye Reports

Democratic Party (DP) president also former Gulu district LC V Norbert Mao has donated his loved car to the district Covid-19 Task Force.

Chairman Mao donated his Toyota Land Cruiser number UAK 198K to help with in the struggle to fight the spread of Corona Virus in Gulu district.

Mr Mao called upon Ugandans to unite against Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda.

He advised Members of Parliament (MPs) to unite and plan for making good policies and laws that can help the country in this period of lock down due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Former Gulu municipality MP for two five-year terms declared to contest with president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 2021.