Self Study materials reach LC levels as covid-19 scare still on

Self Study materials reach LC levels as covid-19 scare on , Whisper Eye Reports.

Uganda’s Covid-19 National Task Force has started distributing self study materials to school children as the pandemic of Coronavirus continues to spread all over the world.

These self study materials in urban areas have reached to some Parishes and Local Councils I.

However in rural areas they are at District, county and subcounty levels.

Government officials are still disturbed by far reach areas as they continue to complain about limited transport facilitation.

‘All self study materials have been given to the subcounty chiefs for onward distribution up to Lc1 chairperson to help our learner’s,’ says the official.

“You can liase with your subcounty chief, parish chief or chairperson Lc1 to get these materials for our learner’s” the official added.

According to Parish Chiefs from different areas, they were called to distribute these materials but without provisional transport means.