38 FDC youthful supporters defect to NRM

38 FDC youthful supporters defect to NRM

A total of 38 opposition youth leaders mainly from the FDC have yesterday crossed to the ruling NRM.

Youths cited ‘lack of political focus’ among their former leaders, as cause to join National Resistance Movement (NRM).

The NRM Treasurer General Hon Namayanja Rose Nsereko received the youthful delegation at the Party Headquarters in Kampala.

Hon called upon them never to be ashamed of their decision.

“Reliability and dependability is key in politics and you have made the right choice”, says Namuyanja.

She officially handed over a copy of the Party Constitution and a shirt to each of the converts.

FDC youth Chairperson of Kalangala District, Mr Mugumya Lawrence led the converted delegation.

Namayanja told the youthful converts that she was personally one of the founders of the Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) in 1995.

However after a while with them UYD team, she realised that the group lacked a clear political ideology, thus joining president Museveni.

UYD is the youthful wing of DP and four of these converts belonged there.

Namuyanja was a youth MP before elected as a districtbWoman MP, State Minister for Luwero Triangle, and now Cabinet Minister for Information and National Guidance.

‘NRM is all inclusive and that’s how I have also gone through all these ranks,’ Hon said.

NRM is planning, to recruit many youths as a strategy to weaken opposition political organisations, parties and political frameworks.