Hon Mao , tell Ugandans, are you Museveni mole?




I HAVE BEEN THINKING, All my life I have been an ardent supporter of Hon Norbert Mao, because he inspired me. Much as I had a huge personal differences including my heartfelt pain of him not supporting me twice as DP candidate running for parliament in Gulu 2006 and 2011.

Ordinarily he should be my arch enemy but I love him. He told me why he didn’t support me, many friends thought he snaked me. But he was caught between a hardrock and a hard place and rock, he told me, he needed support of DP fraternity in the North and Kampala.

Even when I ran for National Spokesperson, he supported another candidate with Late Ssebana Kizito.

I won the race to be DP Spokesperson without his support. I was so upset after my dreams of becoming member of parliament was destroyed twice in 2006 and 2011. This is a young man, Lutukumoi at 27, I felt betrayed.

A father of 3 girls then entangled in an ending fights with a broken hand and back. During walk to work I was a torture victim. Todate, I am in pain. By the way, I am going for back surgery soon to remove and correct a damaged disc at the lower back.

I had 3 different cases in Nakawa court for defying the government. I was jointly charged with current President FDC , Hon POA, Hon Nandala MAFABI and Ms. Wokori from Mbale FDC. All DP strong people never bothered to stand with me.

But FDC, Hon Abdu katuntu did. With a broken hand, painful back, and a broken spirit. I decided to go to a government I fought all my life. From Museveni regime torture of my people in Acholi to suppressing Ugandans and hated the regime . I understand statecraft and want change today. I hate people who pretend to be more opposition than some of us who are disabled because of our struggle for change. Most radical people in the social media chant change and acuse, ridicule people without knowing their stories.


Many people are amazed. Why it’s me defending Hon Norbert Mao when everyone is believing the smear campaign that Mao is a mole. I love Mao to the extent that I named my only son Mao! He is Mao Moi Jerimaih.


It’s because of one reason: in 1994, the entire Acholi people, Lango, Teso and the entire west Nile and northern Uganda lost hopes. Uganda has just been liberated against them. Jobs, live and everything was hell. At work, many were retrenched, haunted and called Anyanya, bakoko etc. Many even changed their names and would not want to associate with the North because of stigma. Rwandese, tortured our people using Kadogos before they left for Rwanda.

Norbert Mao, came up and lifted our spirits! Personally I was a school dropout kid and a village reject in 1994. I had almost declared myself useless. I was drunk. Norbert Mao, advised us to stop drinking as kids, he told us how he studied and became GUILD President at Muk and how he is a long distance runner and intends to run for parliament and later president. He brought back hope to the hopeless people of the north. From that day, my life changed. I looked for jobs and did everything to be what I am. I want to be like Mao. That Mao spirit lives in me and will die for him and all those who inspire the down trodden. The people in Northern Uganda may not hate Mao the way some of you are fooled to believe by his haters. NRM is smartly exploiting the tribal aspects and want the coming campaign to appear Baganda verses the North and rest of Uganda. The actors must urgently realise and work on this.

Is Mao Museveni’s mole?

From the time we were in bondage, under Museveni inspired genocide, a revenge against mistakes made by our sons! True or false, a reason for their liberation they celebrate todate. The North remains the vanquished. The Mao I know, taught me as his Legislative assistant in the sixth parliament never to love money and women.

He is a man of highest integrity and his mentorship made me to fight corruption as RDC Lira and excelled as a leader. Trusted. I have always defended Norbert Mao. But is there something I don’t know? In the law, the burden of proof rests on the accuser! Why can’t the accusers help us with evidence.

I want President Mao to help us Ugandans, tell us as a great writer, thinker, orator and a truthful leader. Let us know, the magnitude of the accusation is too heavy. I want you to come out in writing and words to let Ugandans and the world know the truth about the allegations. Many have accused you in open, media with records. If untrue, why not drag the perpetrators of this to court and expose them to the court of public opinion. Think about this.


How can a monkey be a fair judge in a case of deforestation? Lutukumoi is Acholi like Mao and was a sell out in NRM! Sadly what many know.

Ugandans, imagine, a former convict now defending the accused. The person accused of being a regime agent! After all Lutukumoi was RDC. Every one is quiet and even the accused is suffering the pain silently. It’s a paradox. I want Ugandans to know, no one bought me. Acholi says ” Anger makes a dog eat it’s own feces” I did! I was Angry not hungry like many hungry people who join the regime for money. It’s hard to believe. But take it your way, your own judgment matters.
It must be noted, I am now settled in the USA, in 2018, I was reappointed RDC Lira, I turned down.

Even NRM were shocked and never believed me. I was appointed Deputy RDC, imagine from earning 3 million in NGO to ACCEPTING being Deputy RDC paid 900k. I accepted the job. RDCS are the biggest layers of corruption and suppression. They register companies and get District contracts. But I rejected and exposed the corrupt and defended opposition votes from being stollen.

For the first time, Hon minister Engola lost and many NRM who felt invincible. ASK HON ODUR JONATHAN AND WOMEN MP LIRA. [Evidence] . I was punished and demoted to Kitgum from acting in Lira as RDC 4 years. Before I went to Kitgum, I survived bomb assassination in Lira. It’s the reason I ran away on my own. Suffered to settle, it’s another day story. But thick heads won’t believe me.

I am born to be a leader for Uganda. I personally support Bobi wine from my heart because he stands for the voiceless. But he needs to change strategy and believe that no one, him, Besigye or Mao or Muntu or anyone can do it alone. It took Besigye 20 years, and with unity and faith, like the 40 years of bondage Israelites went through their journey, we can do it sooner.

In conclusion, the theis, the an theis is my quest for truth. The bondage we are in must end. Hon Mao help us. Uganda can be better.

Mwaka Lutukumoi