Crescent health services changing the health care of Matugga

Crescent Health Services brings health care close to people. Whisper Eye Reports.

Matugga residents applauded Crescent Health Services for bringing health services close to them.

Yesterday day the Health facility organised a health camp and provided free health services to locals.

This included free HIV/Aids counseling and testing, cancer testing, presure, among others health complications.

Crescent Health Services official Abdu Ssembuya told Whisper Eye that the camp intended to help the needy patients with all health facilities at a very cheap price .

‘We need to provide health services to needy residents to benefit from this facility, ‘ Mr Ssembuya said.

“It’s not the first Health camp, nor the last, many are yet to be organised of this nature,” he added.

Crescent Health services is located at Matugga, Lwada b , off Bombo road was founded to bring health care close to people at a cheap cost.