Lawyer drags minister Baryomunsi to court over defamation, demands UGX 215 million

A lawyer who doubles as a student at Law Development Centre (LDC) has dragged the state Minister of Housing Dr Chris Baryomunsi to court seeking Shs 215 million over alleged defamation. Whisper Eye Reports.

A Demand notice cum intention to sue on Whisper Eye Desk indicate Akampa as the affected party who has instructed his lawyers to sue Hon Chris and 5 others.

Lawyer Godfrey Akampulira aka Akampa in his notice to sue , claims that between August and November 2019, Minister Baryomunsi and five others posted malicious statements on a WhatsApp group known as “Esau and Friends” and other pages against him.

The other respondent’ are Esau Turyatunga, Austin Agaba, Sam Mugabi George Byomugabi and Ivan Twinobusingye.

Mr Akampa, was accused by the group members of abandoning his wife together with four children in his village home.

According to Mr Akampa , Hon Baryomunsi published another WhatsApp message to a third party indicating that the Akampa had defiled and impregnated his sister but the child died after wards.

Lawyer Akampa at his offices in Kampala.

“Your malicious statements are libel and actionable under the laws of Uganda as they have caused grave damage to our client’s image and reputation because a number of right-thinking members of society have developed hatred contempt, ridicule against our said client and many more have shunned him,” reads the notice of intention to sue in part.

Akampa told Whisper Eye that he took this serious and had to instruct the legal machine to put this to rest.

Higenyi, Ngugo and Wadamba Advocates the lawyers respesenting Mr Akampa , say expect Him Baryomunsi and the five others to issue a written and public apology to him and post them on the same WhatsApp group for a because of the embarrassment, isolation and mental anguish they have caused to him.

Akampa also wants the group to pay him Shs 200 million in damages and Shs 15 million as the minimal legal fees, saying failure to do so in five days will lead to the institution of both civil and criminal proceedings against them.

Our efforts to reach Dr Baryomunsi for acomment was futile despite all efforts.

However the document on our desk indicate that his office has clearly received the notice.

Intention to sue document.

Last year in November court ordered Baryomunsi to pay businessman Garuga James Musinguzi Garuga, the proprietor of Kinkiizi Development Company Shs 50 million after he was found guilty of contempt of court arising from a 2016 case, where the businessman accused him and Kinkiizi FM of defamation.