DP youth leader calls people power Patricia Ssewungu Kimansulo leader

DP youth leader calls people power Ssewungu Kimansulo leader.Whisper Eye Reports.

Democratic Party (DP) youth leader Okidi stings People Power Movement social media activist Patricia Ssewungu over her statements made against DP president Nobert Mao.

Ms Ssewungu referred to DP top leaders a ‘den of thieves’ which angered Mr Okidi.

‘Mao and his veritable den of thieves can not defeat Uganda at the ballot in 2021,’ says Ms Ssewungu.

“Mao, Siranda, Mbidde and Imam Makumbi can not manage to undercut the mission of 40million Ugandans who are clamouring for change.” She added.

In retaliation Mr Okidi advised Ms Ssewungu to continue her shows in her Shadow Angels where he alleged that she was dancing naked.

‘Mao started opposing Museveni from Makerere university as Guild President during the days of the introduction of SAPS and neoliberal reforms throughout to Parliament,’ says Mr Okidi.

“And now Patricia Ssewungu was in shadow angels dancing naked (Kimansulo). Let’s have respect for consistency.” He stated.

Ms Patricia Ssewungu a sister of Kalungu West MP Ssewungu Gonzangs , she is preparing to contest for Kalungu district woman MP 2021.