Full Text: Democratic Party speaks out on schools hiking fees & Homosexuality

Hiking Fees as Students report back to school

Yesterday 6th/02/2023 most of the schools reported back to commence their term one at their schools, in all these economic hardships parents have tried to help their sons and daughters with all that they need to begin the new term.

As the new term begin government set out the Schools Fees Regulation Policy, which is still being considered in order to set the minimum and maximum schools fees and requirements all schools should follow.

Failure to adhere to set standards attracts a fine between Shs1 million and Shs20 million or a one-year imprisonment.
According to the policy, schools are slated to charge at least Shs260, 000 or at most Shs1.6 million, depending on the nature of the schools, location, staff salaries, feeding of learners and administration costs, among others.

The policy also prohibits schools from charging students’ requirements that are not set by the schools charges and fees regulations committee and Owners of schools.

All schools are also prohibited from operating without a bank account or a registered school mobile money account.

We therefore thank government for this initiative because most schools had taken it upon themselves to just extort money from the poor parents. We therefore ask government to go on and implement the program so that parents can have a breathe upon these hiking fees.

However this act of hiking school fees has been created by the poor stands of the government schools competing with the private schools.

Government schools are the worst-performing schools in Uganda because of their low standards.
We also call upon the government to work on the long-term infrastructure development of their schools so that Ugandans can have an option in case they are being mistreated in the private sector. Allocate just a quarter of the Ministry of Defense and State House to education then things will work out.

The private sector is benefiting allot from your poor performance because parents are running away from you because of your poor performance.

Secondly reduce on some taxes, cost of utilities among others of the schools so that they can be in position to reduce their fees.

Homosexuality in schools. (Government has done little to curb homosexuals).

As schools open to start their first term for this year, homosexuality has greatly hit the debates in all corners of Uganda.
Debates have already taken place on the floor of Uganda’s parliament amid reports about sexual minorities gaining ground in schools.
Rt. Hon. Anita Among, the speaker of parliament, has now directed the Education Committee to investigate schools suspected of encouraging LGBTQ rights.

She told committee members to look into social media stories about gays in which a teacher is transferred from one school to another because of being gay.

Homosexuality remains illegal in Uganda, despite a 2016 court ruling that found the 2014 Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act invalid on procedural grounds.

The Penal Code Act still categorizes homosexuality as a crime against morality.
However we don’t see any strong efforts by the Ugandan government to end homosexuality, if court nullified 2014 Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act  on procedural grounds.

What else has this government done to criminalize homosexuality other than just talking about it? Bring back the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill if you’re really serious about it?

Ugandans need actions about homosexuality not just talks and media briefings. Bringing the bill shows that all investigations were done before and it was confirmed that in deed homosexuality existed. What else are you investigating?

Stop fooling Ugandans please just act accordingly.

Kiirya Ismail