Top Story: “If you want to survive corruption scandals in Uganda don’t eat alone.” Hon David K Kabanda

Kasambya County MP, Hon Kabanda David (@DaudiKabanda) has come out to say that for one to survive being exposed that he or she embezzled public funds, he or she is supposed to share the loot with others in order to keep them silent on the matter. #WhisperEyeNews #UgandaNews

Kabanda added that the mistake the corrupt officials do is to want to run away with the loot alone leaving the rest who got to know about the deal salivating and angry.

Kabanda’s words come at a time when COSASE chaired by Nakawa West MP Hon Joel Ssenyonyi is digging deep into an investigation on how jobs are awarded in Uganda Airlines as well as trying to find out why the airlines company is making 160 billion shillings loss every year.

Kabanda an open-minded politician one time said that the COSASE committee is not interested in exposing the corrupt but it does so after those who embezzled funds deliberately refuse to give the committee members a share of the loot.

Uganda is facing a problem of corruption and embezzlement of public funds with almost every government agency having a number of scandals relating to misuse or disappearance of public funds.