

By Akampa Wa Karuma

1. Involvement in various corruption scandals eg receiving money to help on evicting legitimate administration of GLRU against a court orders

2. Undermining achievements of fellow leaders who have performed better than him.

3. Fabricating criminal charges against dissenting voices in Kanungu.

4. Fighting education promoters ( eg funders of great lakes Regional universities)

5. Grabbing great lakes Regional University and failing to fund it to the capacity of the funders he grabbed it from.

  1. Fighting the youth of kanungu who are working hard to improve lives of fellow youth and themselves.

7. Exchanging names of people appointed in various positions by putting his own people.

8. Grabbing govt property for personal use( tractor from ministry of agriculture and an ambulance were released only after activists swung in action)

9. Investing billions out of his constituencies and peanuts in his constituency

10. Jealous and not wanting any Kinkizi east people to develop and rise in high positions of leadership

11. Unprecedented immorality and denying the people he represents ( saying he is muhima who migrated to Kanungu

12. Corruption and theft of govt funds.

13. Refusal to present and support Kinkizi people’s issues and aspirations.

14. Irresponsible, reckless and foolish talk ( Kugambirwa eryo nokuduura)

15. Fighting and undermining fellow leaders who are developmental and pillars of Kanungu district.

16. Hiring goons to insult and abuse religious leaders, arrest them and insult and blackmail fellow leaders.

17. Diverting funds and property meant for the people of Kanungu eg. Computers, sawing machines, ambulances, graders for road construction

18. Paying goons to attack his critics and vandalize their property

19. Fighting income generating projects in Kanungu eg. Tobacco growing and tea production

20. Insulting a disrespecting fellow leaders, religious leaders and senior citizens

22. Blocking funding for district projects for fear of getting the chairman LV5 popular

22. Frustrating district projects, council and construction of roads, through the CAO and bribery of councilors to sabotage council meetings

23. Keeping government equipment at his lodges where hospitals have no ambulance and the district has no tractors to fix roads which are now death traps

24. Sectarianism that has seen the Angelican church in Kinkizi and the Catholic church in Disharmony and constant friction since the coming into power of NRM in 1986

25. Fighting to stop increase of salaries for medics amidst sky locketing inflation.

26. Fighting teachers to have salary enhancement when inflation was so high.

27. Increasing his salary citing inflation as a reason for the increase

28. Collapse of Kinkizi East health sector led Rugyeyo Community Hospital and kambuga hospital

29. Supporting and passing Legislations without consulting the electorates eg 7yr term for mp, applicable retrospectively, recent 5 tax amendment Acts.

40. Increase of excise duty culminating into increase in prices of everything including transport medicine, food and school fees.

31. Blocking of tea seedling payments only allegedly be paid kickbacks which led to the chopping of people’s claims to cover up what was paid to him in kickbacks

32. Putting the Constituency and constituents in disrepute through foolish media speeches. Matembe, branded him a lumpen and goon, President M7 declared him an idiot and a fool, Hon. Nsereko branded him an empty head, Hon. Ruhunda branded him a clown etc all because of foolish arguments in parliament, over the television and over the radios

33. Undermining rule of law, with silly arguments that arrested people are in lodges hiding from their wives.

34. Commission of contempt of court, with executions again orders of court, threatening teacher from exercising their right to industrial action etc

35. Joining thugs to cause the collapse of Kayodea fish farm, 890m presidential funding gone to waste because of such a visionless leader

36. Katete stock farm collapse, it now records zero output after withdraw of investors citing his blackmail and fights.

37. Rotten Kambuga Hospital, now the death trap of Kanungu he had to be evacuated from the trap. Even when his colleagues fought for its renovation it has staled because of he fought it to discredit the district leadership

38. Kinkizi East poor road network that extends to his courtyard, road network even himself always gets stuck with his four wheel vehicles and pushes them. He has now resorted to hiring a helicopter for every travel it costs 15m per trip

39. Cause of he downfall of Chifcod schools, GLRU and sister institutions have the lowest enrollment since 2016

40. Diversion of donations and distribution of the same on the basis of religious sects

Akampa Wa Karuma

Whisper Eye

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