Mob lynch two youths  allegedly arrested with stolen goats 

In a harrowing twist of event, mob in Zombo District have lynched two youths arrested with a stolen goat and  sheep respectively. #WhisperEyeNews

The broad day Tuesday may 21, 2024  incident saw the two dead bodies dragged and left in the middle of the road at Nyatonzi trading center  Akawanji Upper Village, Oyeyu Parish Nyapea Sub-county.

Hundreds gathered in shock to witness the swift murder of the two by angry mob an eyewitness told this Publication.

The identities of the two that lied in the middle of the road with  allegedly stollen properties   were still unknown by press time. 

The councillor Of  Oyeyu Parish Joe Ubedgiu confirmed the incident saying the ” the two whose identities remained unknown where lynched by angry mob and by the time we arrived together with police, the two were killed and thrown in the middle of the road “

By press time , police  had arrived at the crime scene to commence investigation into the incident.

Cases of mob action in the area has become crushingly high with Community taking matters in their hand despite leaders and authorities repeated calls to the community to avoid taking laws in their hands.