
Bobi Wine calls for more sanctions against Ugandan regime for impunity

In a fervent address to the media yesterday, Bobi Wine, the leader of the opposition National Unity Platform, NUP political party, passionately advocated for international sanctions as a crucial tool against impunity within the Ugandan regime.

Wine’s statement centred around the pervasive issue of impunity, highlighting how the regime, led by Gen. Museveni, has systematically eroded accountability mechanisms, shielding its officials from consequences for their actions.

Drawing attention to specific cases, such as the embezzlement scandal involving Anita Among, Wine underscored how whistleblowers are persecuted while perpetrators evade accountability, enjoying the protection and support of the regime.

He lamented the state of law enforcement, judiciary, and other institutions, accusing them of complicity in perpetuating impunity by failing to hold wrongdoers accountable.

Wine emphasized the dire consequences of impunity, citing instances where activists were imprisoned for speaking out against corruption while perpetrators went unpunished. He decried the brazenness with which those responsible for human rights abuses continue to evade justice, facilitated by the co-option and destruction of institutions like the Uganda Human Rights Commission.

Amidst this backdrop, Wine urged citizens to rise up against impunity and called upon the international community to impose targeted sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against corrupt and criminal officials. He argued that while such measures may not lead to imprisonment, they would deprive offenders of the benefits of their ill-gotten gains, preventing them from enjoying life abroad while the country suffers.

Wine’s impassioned plea resonated with his vision of a Uganda where officials are held accountable for their actions, and citizens’ lives and livelihoods are protected from the ravages of corruption and brutality. He commended the international community for sanctions imposed thus far but urged for further action to curb impunity in Uganda.

In his closing remarks, Wine called for unity among citizens in the fight against impunity and reiterated his commitment to holding the regime accountable for its actions, both domestically and on the international stage.

Whisper Eye

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