Kirega FC defeats Teketwe FC in Dennis Bugaya’s mighty Brooks Agrofarm Easter Tournament in Mawokota South

Kirega FC defeats Teketwe FC in Counsel Dennis Bugaya’s mighty Brooks Agrofarm Easter Tournament in Mawokota South.

Three years back, Buganda Land Board Legal Manager and spokesperson Counsel Dennis Bugaya introduced Brooks Agrofarm Easter Tournament which attracted participation of several teams across Mawokota South constituency.

This year’s edition got launched on the 22nd of March 2024 at Buyaaya Playground, registering participation of 63 teams, with Mpigi district Woman MP, Teddy Nambooze as the guest of honor.

Mpigi woman MP Teddy Nambooze with Kirega FC champions of 2024 edition

The tournament climaxed on Easter Sunday at Archbishop Kasujja Memorial playground in Buwama, where the ‘Islanders’ Kirega FC defeated Teketwe FC 1:0 and walked away with a trophy, bull and gold medals. Each team that participated was provided with a full playing jersey. The county Chief Gabriel Kabonge presided over as the guest of honor.

The tournament serves as a foundation of Bugaya’s commitment towards identifying and nurturing young talents in Mawokota South especially in football and netball.

Kayima Gabriel Kabonge (second left) and Counsel Denis Bugaya (middle) at Archbishop Kasujja Memorial Stadium, Buwama

Counsel Dennis Bugaya currently serves as the Ssaza Mawokota team Manager who helped them finalize in the third position of the famous Airtel/Buganda Masaza Cup last year after defeating Buddu county.

This year’s edition of Kayima Cup was won by Mutuba I Mpigi both in Football and netball after defeating Musaale Buwama and Ssaabagabo Muduuma respectively.

Through Brooks Agro Farm, Bugaya sponsors Kayima Cup a tournament that unites the seven sub-counties of Mawokota County in football and netball before preparations of the Masaza Cup.

The level of organization of the tournament left many people wondering and respecting Mr Bugaya Denis, who has been consistent for now three years in developing sports in Mawokota.

The tournament raised speculations among politicians that Mr Bugaya may contest for the Mawokota South MP come 2026.