2026: NRM Chairman M7 launches update & display of party register

It has been a colorful day at the National Resistance Movement – NRM Party headquarters at Kyadondo Road in Kampala as it’s Chairperson Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni stormed the place to officially launch the update and display of the party membership register.

The event has attracted a number of NRM big wigs like the the Party Secretary General Dr Twodong, 1st National Vice Chairperson Hajji Moses Kigongo, 2nd National Vice Chairperson Rt Hon Rebecca Kadaga, Capt Mike Mukula the Vice Chairperson Eastern Region, other CEC members, Ministers, members of Parliament, Head of the ONC Hadijah Namyaalo, NRM EC Chairperson Dr Tanga Odoi, youth league leadership, a section of NRM supporters, among others.

At the event President Museveni thanked the NRM leaders in their different capacities for standing with the party in all situations adding that as leaders, they must understand the key principles of the NRM if they are to deliver to the people they lead.

Gen Museveni said that the NRM is a party which came with the principle of understanding people’s needs which have a potential solution adding that the NRM insists on pan-Africanism because that is where the future of our children lies.

The President said it is thus the struggle of leaders to teach every adult Ugandan how to create wealth adding that the politics of tribalism and religious sectarianism are pushed by people who do not know anything about wealth creation.

” What future do you have for your people, do you want to build a Latin America in Africa or a United States of America in Africa? What exactly is your job as a leader?” The president asked

At the same event, President Museveni updated his details in the NRM Voters Register.

Speaking at the event, the NRM Electoral Commission Chairperson Dr Tanga Odoi said that from Wednesday 13th-Sunday 17th March 2024, the display and update of NRM register will take place in all the 7200 villages of Uganda while On Sunday 17th March in the afternoon, all villages will have a village baraza where the names of the members registered will be read to the community for them to approve.

The party Secretary General Dr Richard Twodong on the other hand said that in order for the party to sustain the spirit of the revolution and maintain the good work it has done, her members must be disciplined internally and externally as this is how they shall provide credible leadership to the country.

To NRM supporters, President Museveni is still fit and strong to stand in 2026 and lead the country. By 2026, President Museveni would have been in power for 40 years in a row.