
Inside the  scramble for Political positions in Zombo

By Mike Rwothomio and Lee Ofoymungu

With just two years remaining in the lead-up to the 2026 election, The sky-high urge, demand, self-conviction and ambitions for various political seats are extensively taking centre stage amongst many people in the Districts of Zombo, in the west Nile Sub-region.

Many questions are being asked about the accountability of the current leaders whose terms are going to expire in 2026.

 Some of the new faces on the block say they have been inspired to aspire for some political positions because of several empty and unfulfilled promises earlier made by the incumbents.

This Publication understands that many people interested in taking up different political mantles are the youth. This is pegged to the fact that the youths form over 70 per cent of the country’s population.

In Greater Nebbi in the previous years, it was peculiar for youths to aspire to higher political positions.

As the clock ticks forward, the notion of  ” youths are the leaders of tomorrow is getting replaced with tomorrow starts now”.

Youths severally have been vociferous about their political ambitions being suppressed by people they label as  “political opportunists”,  who want to fill candidates of their own choice for political and selfish interests.

What Went Wrong 

This Publication understands that many previous leaders could make promises above their weight and in the end, they become victims of criticism by concerned members of the public upon failing to fulfil their promises.

In greater Nebbi, As per the current trend, People have become extra bitter on the issue of roads particularly under the Uganda National Roads Authorities.

Talks about service delivery in greater Nebbi can easily elicit criticism of the leaders serving in the current establishment.

Locals have for years been voicing strong concerns and criticism about the ever-sorry state of the  119 km Nebbi-Paidha Zeu-Warr-Vura road.

It’s understandable that unlike in other regions where leaders have stronger associations and groups to make decisions and amplify their voice in demanding service delivery for their electorates, it’s easier said than done amongst leaders in greater Nebbi this Publication has learnt.

This Publication has learnt that many leaders in greater Nebbi especially members of Parliament don’t see eye to eye due to their differences.

On the divisionism, amongst Leaders, more especially Members of Parliament from greater Nebbi,  The prime minister of Alur Kingdom Opar Lawrence Angala last year, during the 13th coronation anniversary of Alur King at Parombo Town Council, called out rooted divisionism amongst leaders in the area.

The most nerve-racking experience that businessmen,  truck drivers, and other road users wade through on the roads in the area is enormous. The roads are more slippery, Muddy and impassable during the rainy season and more dusty during the dry season.

Notwithstanding all that is being said about the empty promises by most incumbents, many people are pouring in to take up mantles,  promising to come out with new strategies to deliver to the electorates.

This time around, it will be harder than hard to convince electorates, many of whom say they have been subjected to unfilled political promises for ages.

But in the past, after the election, leaders would disappear in thin air only to appear when election cycles are knocking on the door, with yet another episode of promises.

Onega Innocent Godfred

He is the current LC3 chairperson for Paidha Town Council and has been within the leadership of Paidha Town Council in Zombo for four terms now.

Onega is riding on the notion that he is tired of ” repeating classes ” meaning he has done enough at the rank of  Local Council III chairperson position.

He declared on Nebbi-based Christ the King FM radio this week that he is getting his ducks in a row for the 2026 Okoro constituency seat,  currently under the stewardship of the businessman Okumu Gabriel.

” I’m going to contest as the member of Parliament for Okoro constituency in the 2026 election and I have to be clear on that,” Onega told listeners when asked about his political intention.

Sam Rwothomio

The young political activist in a conversation with this Publication over the weekend has also shown interest in rubbing shoulders with the bigwigs. He is eyeing the big M.P. seat for the Okoro constituency.

Rwothomio is commonly known by Youths in the District. He runs a powerful wasup group called the ” Zombo Mwa Forum”, where in most cases leaders are put to tasks by electorates on the issue of service delivery.

Last year, He became a household name when he championed the idea of a peaceful demonstration about sorry of the 119 km Nebbi-Paidha Zeu-Warr-Vura road, which by then its condition was more deplorable given the pounding rain the region was experiencing.

He on many occasions escaped arrest as he was dimmed by authorities as a

” rebel” just because of that demonstration that was highly monitored by the security.

On the issue of age,  He said  “Positions of leadership should be occupied by the right person for the role regardless of age”

Sam Kumakech

He currently heads the youth department in the Alur Kingdom and works with a church of Uganda project in the Nebbi Diocese.

He has been in the football leadership of Paidha Black Angels FC for some time before throwing in the towel last year.

He contested for the position of LC3 chairperson for Paidha Town Council in the 2021 polls but lost in the NRM  primaries.

This Publication has learnt that he is eyeing the position of the Member of Parliament for the Okoro constituency.

In a recent telephone conversation, when asked about his intention, He declined saying ” I’m having a task given to me at the Kingdom and Diocese “.

But his moves and activities show that he is heading towards a higher political position. He later was frequently involved in joining a community in fixing footbridges, distributing metallic beds to health centre II facilities, Organizing sports events, fundraising in churches, and supporting orphans amongst others, especially across the Okoro constituency. This according to many people is a tactical political move and strategy he is using to familiarize himself in the community.

Sunday Omirambe

Sunday Omirambe is a Pastor. He is from Jang Okoro Sub-county and currently pursuing a course in journalism and mass communication at UMCAT School of Journalism and Mass Communication Arua City Campus.

Omirambe commonly known as “Jange”, is the Chief Executive Officer of Dikiri ber company based in Arua City.

He manages Dikiri ber garbage company in Arua city.

In an interview with Whisper Eye News recently, He said ” I’m planning to contest as a member of Parliament for Okoro constituency and that is what I’m going to do”.

Okumu Gabriel

He is currently the Member of Parliament for Okoro constituency. The businessman is said to be gearing up for the second term.

His electorates in the past months have been vociferous about his absenteeism within the constituency.

In 2021, Okumu had an easier ride to Parliament after getting through the NRM primaries and finally in the general election.  This Publication has learnt the 2026 polls are coming differently with many people expressing interest in unseating him.

He has strong financial muscle and with the current trends in the commercialization of politics, his comeback can’t be ruled out by the stroke of a pen.

Songa Biyika Lawrence

The 50-year-old experienced member of Parliament is currently leading the people of  Ora Constituency in Zombo.

He is the chairperson climate change committee and also heads the West Nile Parliamentary caucus.

He is getting his house to face off with other candidates that are earlier preparing for the predicted tight race.

He has been recently investing in the locals by pumping funds for the local’s SAACO and fixing footbridges.

Songa is coming out with a project aimed at empowering all single mothers in his constituency.

Many people in Ora Constituency still believe he has the capability of steadying their ship full speed ahead.

Songa recently has been at the forefront of demanding for Government response on the sorry state of Nebbi-Paidha Zeu-Warr-Vura road on the floor of Parliament,  prompting the speaker to task the work ministry to give a comprehensive report on the road. This has triggered debate amongst most leaders in Zombo and greater Nebbi all speaking with one voice about the road.

Kwiocwiny Grace freedom

She is the State minister of northern Uganda. Kwiocwiny was unseated from the position of the woman member of Parliament for Zombo by the current Woman MP Esther Afoyochan,  who doubles as Commissioner of Parliament.

Kwiocwiny headed the Zombo Woman MP docket from 2011- to 2021.

To Kwiocwiny, it’s time to shift the goalpost.  This Publication learnt that she has declared her intention of contesting as a member of Parliament for Ora Constituency. 

In several public gatherings in Zombo recently graced by the state minister, She has been reaffirming that ” I’m still there “. Many people are pegging the statement to her planned political comeback.

During the NRM belated day celebration for Zombo recently, the state minister was called upon by local leaders to contest as they reaffirm their support for her.

If way, Kwiocwiny is going to have the daunting task of facing off with the incumbent Biyika Lawrence Songa, who still has a stronger footing in the constituency.

Esther Afoyochan

She is the current Woman MP for Zombo and Commissioner of Parliament.

She is expected to fight for her seat in the 2026 polls. 

Many women are said to be preparing to tussle it out with Afoyochan but none have openly shown their interest.

With the global current commercialization of politics, the fact that those with strong financial muscle take the front seat in being elected by electorates can’t be thrown into the dustbin.

It’s not clear whether this time around, some businessmen that are known for influencing politics by forcing candidates of their choice on electorates will work but to many people, time will be the king to decide.

Francis Bolingo the District councillor of Athuma Sub-county who is the chairperson of Alliance for National Transformation said the election of leaders should be based on capability, not party politics. 

” We have been electing leaders from NRM from day one but we have benefited from nothing, our roads are deplorable all the time, This time it will be hell for leaders here” Bolingo told the Whisper Eye news.

This Publication has learnt that many people coming in to contest are interested in using the current establishment of the NRM party as a purpose vehicle to drive them to the promised land but ideally, they don’t prefer the party that has been in power for nearly forty years with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the sole candidate.

Mike Rwothomio

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