Zombo: Two security guards arrested over theft of millions of cash

Two security guards have been taken by officers of Paidha central police to aid with the investigation following an incident in which unknown thieves reportedly broke into A Pepsi depot in Paidha Town Council Zombo District and made off with millions of cash.

The Branch manager of Pepsi Depot Paidha Rashida Babirye said the thieves made off with about 15 million Ugandan shillings.

She added that keys to the stores are mainly kept by the storekeeper and the manager.

“We left yesterday  after locking this place,  All the outside padlocks were untouched whilst the inside padlock was broken and a metallic box containing cash worth 15 million shillings was dismantled and all the cash in it taken by the thieves.” Babirye who declined to divulge more detail briefly said in a short interview with whispereye news.

On Friday morning, Police cordoned off the crime scene at Pepsi depot central ward and two security guards were taken to answer questions after they discovered a metallic box for keeping cash was dismantled for unclear reasons.

Relatedly the suspected thieves broke into 

 Kawacom office a few meters away from Pepsi depot and made off with a  computer set, one of the workers told police at the crime scene. 

Additionally at Ojambo mini Supermarket owned by an Indian Businessman along Arua Road,  properties was reportedly stolen but the owner had not reported it to the police by press time.

All the places reportedly broken into are heavily guarded by armed security guards.

Therefore it’s not clear how thieves made their way into these shops.

By press time police had just left the crime scene and were yet to release a statement about the incident.