EC clears Tim Mugerwa of Uganda’s green new deal presidential hopeful to hold consultative meetings

Electoral commission clears Uganda’s first ever green new deal presidential candidate to hold consultative meetings . Whisper Eye Updates.

Uganda’s first ever Green New Deal presidential candidate Mugerwa Timothy cleared by The Electoral Commission (EC) to hold consultative meetings under the presidential elections Act 2005.

Mr Mugerwa rejecting the last outmoded approaches to dealing with the challenges of the 21st Century, has vowed to lead a green revolution to oust president Museveni from power.

Just hour after EC clearance Mr Mugerwa told Whisper Eye that he is to start his consultation meetings early next week.

‘I have been cleared by the Electoral Commission to start my Presidential consultations,’ says Mr Mugerwa.

“I will be traversing the country seeking citizens’ input in the Green New Deal manifesto.” he said

Mr Mugerwa vowed that developed countries ‘MUST’ pay for the damages they caused, which continue to affect Africa, Uganda inclusive.

He said that Climate change is a reality and there is a need to find solutions and taking action.

The EC warned Tim Mugerwa about holding any campaign but to focus on consultation.