The position of the vice chairperson of Pakwach District local government is vacant following the resignation of  Ben Owiny on December 18, 2023.

Owiny who is the district councillor for Ragem Subcounty resigns to accord him ample time to fully serve the people of Ragem Subcounty.

In an interview, Owiny also alleged that severally, funds from government programmes like Emyooga, PDM, Youth Livelihood Programme and  UWEP have not been benefiting the people of his sub-county. He said his resignation will put him ” in close contact with the electorates ” to extensively sensitize his people on government Programmes.

However,  his claim about many community members of Ragem subcounty not benefitting from several Government Programmes couldn’t be verified by press time.

The Pakwach Council  Speaker  Manda Christine couldn’t divulge more about the resignation since she was out of the  District.

Ben Owiny also Served as the District Finance Secretary from 2017-2021.

The Pakwach District Chairperson Omito Robert Steen in response to his deputy’s resignation said stepping down from any position is everyone’s right.

” Everybody in any position has the liberty to resign or quit or not offer himself anymore. So there is nothing much to worry about because there are so many people who can do such job perfectly well”.