Demand for service delivery not handouts from politicians Bishop tells believers

By Mike Rwothomio and Ofoymungu Lee

The question of what are you leaving us with? , What is new for us ?,  How are you greeting us today ?,  amongst others is a common way electorates in Greater Nebbi demand financial assistance or handouts from politicians. #WhisperEyeNews

However, to some Leaders like The Bishop of Nebbi church of Rt Rev Pons Ozelle Awinju, This habitual practice of demanding financial assistance from politicians is slowing development in greater Nebbi and thus the need for mindset change against the vice.

Speaking to believers in Alala Parish during a pastoral visit, The Bishop instead charged believers to demand service delivery from politicians to bring development to the subregion.

He added that in his past movements in other regions especially in western Uganda, he witnessed a different practice where people don’t bank on demanding financial assistance from politicians but instead seek services from them.

 “My people whether you from the Church of Uganda, the Catholic church, Islamic faith amongst others, Let’s stop demanding financial assistance from politicians all the time, let’s call upon them to bring development to the area. I moved to places like western Uganda and find people’s attitudes are totally unique.”  He said before adding that the practice makes electorates to instead elect ineffective leaders who blindfold them with money.

Recently, a section of some local leaders in Zombo equally voiced similar sentiments saying the overwhelming Financial demands by electorates is making many avoid moving freely in public places.

However many people this Publication talked to said the extensive demands by voters is as a result of poor service delivery from most of the elected politicians.

Last year, The Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Mathius Mpuuga said the overwhelming Financial demands from lawmakers are also making many fear their constituencies.