“M7’s achievements for Uganda as President are visible” SPA/PA Ruth Katushabe

As Uganda celebrated her 61st independence anniversary on 9th October in Kitgum District, many people gave their views about how the country has transformed socially, economically and politically.

According to the Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translations Hon Ruth Katushabe, Uganda has developed more in the years when Gen Museveni was in power compared to the reigns of the previous 8 Presidents.

Hon Katushabe while appearing on a political talk show said that the achievements of President Museveni as head of State of Uganda are visible as the country has drastically transformed socially, politically and economically.

Hon Katushabe commended the NRA leader for ensuring peace and security in the country something that was just a mere dream in the past regimes, especially in Obote and Amin’s times as Presidents. She said that Peace and security are the bases for any country’s development and without them, no country is President. A step forward.

“Some of you who have been here for a very long time can testify to this. Before Museveni came to power, Uganda was a rogue nation with high levels of insecurity. Killing people was a norm, bombs exploding at any time and other crimes like armed robbery. No one was safe. This is why people after Museveni came in people said that Kasita tufuna ku tulo literally means at least we can have some sleep.” She said

The Senior Presidential Advisor also commended the President for the good infrastructural developments like the good roads that have enhanced the movement of goods and services hence boosting trade and commerce in the country. According to Hon Katushabe, agriculture, and industrialization have spiked high during Gen Museveni’s time as President as he has been making sure that all Ugandans can join the money economy.

Hon Katushabe also pointed at the reduction in the illiteracy rates commending the President for initiating the idea of free education to children through UPE and USE. According to Hon Katushabe, this has led to an increase in human capital development and quality of life of the citizens who have the capacity to engage in manufacturing, and innovations as well as create jobs rather than just seeking to be employed.

The Senior Presidential Advisor further added that these achievements, it is the reason why Ugandans keep voting President Museveni back to power over and over again because they appreciate the good things he is doing for the country.

She also urged Ugandans to always support and take advantage of the different government poverty eradication programs like Emyooga, the Parish Development Model, among others saying that these programs will help people especially those in the agriculture sector to boost their production capacity.